Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Garden State Cake Show - Burlington NJ

This past weekend, I traveled to Burlington NJ with some friends of mine to attend the Garden State Cake Show.  This is the second year we've gone (I believe it's the show's third year, but I may be wrong).  I have to admit, I was skeptical about going this year since last year was not the experience I had expected.  I went this year because friends asked me to go (I would not have initiated the idea to go).  I was pleasantly surprised at how well-run the show was after last year's experience. 

It is a rather small cake show (compared to others I go to) but has a good number of entries, vendors and classes available.  The friends I went with took a couple of classes while at the show: a cake decorated using Jacobean cutters and a high-heel shoe class.  I, personally, don't get the fascination with "shoe cakes" but the shoes were very nice that they made. 

Knowing that I wasn't taking any classes, I decided to bring along some stuff to keep me occupied.  I have been neglecting drawing out the collars for the Nirvana part of my Certification cake, so I brought that stuff with me.  I did manage to draw out the collar and side panels, as well as decide what size dummies to use.
