Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Multi-tasking............Not always a good idea!

Ok, so we all try to multi-task when we're doing stuff.  I have a very bad habit of trying to multi-task when decorating.  This is not a good idea!  That was the lesson I learned this afternoon.

My hexagon cake (not the zodiac one) was all done and just needed to be attached to the cake board it goes with.  So, I pick up the cake from the dining room table to bring it into the kitchen.  Aaaannndddd my thumb pressed against one of the leaves on the side of the cake and snapped it off.  Ok, no big deal it can just be glued back on with either royal icing or super glue (hey, it's competition, it's not going to be eaten).  So, I bring the cake and the broken leaf out to the kitchen.  Set the cake on my turntable and the leaf on the table.  Then I realize the table is a mess, so I start straightening the table and putting my shtuff away that I don't need for the cakes anymore.  While doing this I noticed a left over cookie from dinner last night (had Subway and had a leftover cookie).  So I start eating the cookie.  And sit down to glue the leaf onto the cake.  Can you all guess what's going to happen next (cake in front of me, cookie on one side, leaf on the other side)?

I picked up the leaf and put it in my mouth like it was a piece of cookie, and bit down on it.  My first thought was "that was the ******* leaf" (family-friendly, remember?).  Sure enough, it was.  Did I throw a fit?  Did I scream and curse?  No, my faithful readers I didn't (this time....there will be a next time don't worry!).  Instead I laughed.  A lot.  Hey, at that point what else can you do??  So, after I stopped laughing, I cut out another leave, piped it, let it dry and attached it to the cake where the other one broke off from.  No harm, no foul.  Can't really tell it happened either.

So, I got new tires for my car today (yippee!).  Well, yippee for the tires, not the bill, lol.  However, this means we will have a good trip to VA and back.

Don't know how much blogging there will be for the next few days, not really doing anything cake related until the show on Saturday.

What lesson did you learn today?


  1. This story provided me with some much needed comic relief! I am glad I am not the only one that does stupid crap!

  2. I have to talk to myself and say "one thing at a time, one thing at a time."
